1. Payment by Paypal:

Use your Paypal account and make your payment fast and safely.

2. Payment by credit or debit card through Viva Wallet:

Use your debit or credit card and pay fast and safely through Viva Wallet.

3. Deposit to bank account:

You can make a Bank Deposit to one of the following accounts:

IBAN : GR8802602680000420200649837
Account number : 00260268420200649837
Account Owner: Alexandros Zavvos.

4. Returns

You have the right to return the product(s) you purchased and ask to exchange them with another product or products, with a total value equal to or greater than the value of your original purchase, or ask for a refund, within 10 days from the date that you received the product(s), under the following cases:

i. In any case, where the products that you received are other or substantially different than those ordered, with proven responsibility by “Alexander Briar Pipes”.

ii. In any case, when there is a product defect.

Moreover, in the cases above, the product for replacement - return, should be necessarily accompanied by the original purchase receipt. For the cases above, the product(s) to be replaced – returned, should be in the same condition as when they were received by the customer, complete, with no damage, together with all the accompanying documents for the product (e.g. Delivery Note, Invoice, Receipt…).

You are kindly requested to contact “Alexander Briar Pipes” in advance.